As the contentious gubernatorial race between Governor Rick Scott and Charlie Crist continues to steam along, one can expect to hear the two men taking political shots at one another, and on occasion, we can also expect hear one of them make some dopey and baseless remark against the other.
Enter Charlie Crist.“He’s trying to be more like me, and I understand it because we do what’s right for people and he does what’s right for corporations.”-Charlie Crist
I really don’t think Scott is trying to pander to voters like Crist does, even though he seems to have shifted a bit on a couple of issues like Obamacare.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Crist has been bashing Scott over the head, calling him a”corporate governor” who only cares about big business, and is now questioning Scott’s push for increases in spending for education and on the environment as just being election year distractions from his record as governor.
But wait, did Crist just call Scott an opportunistic flip-flopper?
The one-time hawkish conservative Republican Governor of Florida is accusing Rick Scott of mimicking his past embrace of big business and special interests, not to mention his support of conservative-leaning issues before jumping the GOP ship.No one. I mean no one, in the history of mankind, has change his or her position on issues like Charlie Crest has.
Hey, has anyone forgotten that Crist used to cow-tow with GOP “Whale” and oil tycoon Harry Sargent?
How about Charlie’s association with pro-Potster, John Morgan?
Crist is a big proponent of legalizing marijuana, and has been pushing his former boss’ agenda since the very beginning.
Morgan stands to make big dinero, if medicinal marijuana is signed into law.How about them special interest apples, Charlie?