Charlie Crist Republican and resident Sarasota County carpetbagger, Richard DeNapoli suffered a crushing 14-point loss to Dr. Julio Gonzalez in Tuesday’s Republican primary election.
Ouch!DeNapoli, who is arguably the most loathed wannabee politician from Broward County and has managed to tick off many business owners and residents in the Sarasota, was bitten by the breaking the Shark Tank story exposing his false claim of serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.
DeNapoli along with his team of Charlie Crist GOP consultants were broadsided by the timely Shark Tank military story, and were was taken off message, allowing Gonzalez’s campaign to gut DeNapoli in a devastating TV ad.
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Gonzalez’s ad ran simultaneously with campaign mailers that were sent out to voters in the district.
Team DeNapoli tried in earnest to defend his indefensible act of falsely claiming to have served in the U.S. military, but his excuses for washing out during training only made the matter worse for his campaign.
To add salt to DeNapoli’s open wound, Senator Marco Rubio gave a ringing video endorsement of Julio Gonzalez, referring to the doctor as his “friend” and “the only conservative in the race.”Rubio’s words were strategic in that DeNapoli was claiming to be a good friend of the Senator’s, and of being a conservative, even though he supported serial flip-flopper Charlie Crist’s embrace of Obama’s 2009 Stimulus Act, as well as his 2010 Republican-turned-Independent Senate campaign.
As many of you know, Rubio really, really does not like Richard DeNapoli, and he showed it.
The well-timely Rubio-Shark Tank one-two-punch turned out to be more than DeNapoli could handle. He never saw it coming.
DeNapoli’s team, as well as his paid liberal blogger, SaintPravdablog’s Peter Schorsch, who hasn’t met a jelly donut he didn’t eat, tried to spin the 14-point loss to Gonzalez as a “narrow” loss.
That assessment of the race’s final vote totals is almost as laughable DeNapoli saying that he is conservative.Congratulations to Julio Gonzalez, whose win over DeNapoli saved all Republicans in the Florida Legislature a big headache.
Here is the TV ad: