The loud voice of the anti-Common Core lobby has been heard by Florida Governor Rick Scott, as the AP reports that Scott will “roll out a series of education proposals” that will put some distance between himself and former Governor Jeb Bush on the issue.
Bush who is considered the godfather of Common Core education standards, and has seen the education standards turn into a political problem for him.According to the report, Scott wants to set up an “independent committee” that will review all of the states education standards.
The Republican incumbent governor also says he will direct Education Commissioner Pam Stewart to do a “thorough and comprehensive investigation” of the use of standardized tests that were the centerpiece of the overhaul initiated when Bush was governor. Bush tied the state’s A-to-F grading of schools, which includes sanctions and rewards, to how students performed on standardized tests.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Scott also will propose a higher education platform that maintains that if he wins re-election he would continue to keep tuition rates down and he will also find a way to drive down college textbooks costs. He also wants to force state universities to disclose more information about the cost of courses and fees.-AP
Over the past year, Scott has slowly eased away from support Common Core standards, but only after voting conservatives across the state pushed back against his initial support for the controversial socialize education standards, which are even opposed by Bush’s political protégé, Senator Marco Rubio (R). (Rubio opposes Common Core)
Read more about Common Core here.