By Shark Tank Investigative Reporter, Special K
Appearing yesterday on Newsmax TV’s America’s Forum, Shark Tank managing editor, Javier Manjarres and Rick Ungar of Forbes squared off about President Obama’s recent vacation while the nation and world are engulfed in chaos.Manjarres hit hard against Obama, charging that “we haven’t had true leadership in the White House since President George W Bush.”
Further, with all the chaos erupting around the world and the turmoil faced within theUnited States, case after case has shown US weakness. From the loss of Iraq to ISIS, the Bergdahl fiasco, Ferguson riots, and the assassination of James Foley the United States’ weakness has wreaked havoc on the world.
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Manjarres alluded to the fact that when America is weak, the world suffers. “President Obama with his failed foreign policy has endangered the lives of many Americans, and will continue to do so”.
The weakness projected by the Obama administration in their constant inability to deal with crisis after crisis has only been exacerbated by Obama’s recent never ending vacationing. Obama has been playing game after game of golf while ignoring the basic necessities that his office requires of him.
Instead of rolling up his sleeves and getting to work, he is rolling the ball down the course.Watch the explosive interview below: