Texas Senator Ted Cruz is not standing idly by while the influx of thousands of illegal immigrants continues to burden the U.S. southern border.
Cruz has just introduced his “no amnesty bill” that defunds President Obama’s existing immigration program that affords illegal immigrants the right to stay in the country without having wonder if they will be deported or not.The bill’s goal is to prevent Obama from using taxpayer dollars “to expand to expand DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and from continuing to lawlessly grant amnesty and work permits to new immigrants who enter the country illegally.
Cruz is pressing to have the bill linked to the emergency funding that President Obama has requested to deal with the recent surge of Central American children illegally crossing into the United States.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The only way to stop the border crisis is to stop President Obama’s amnesty,” Cruz said in a statement. “If we do not put an end to its expansion — to the promise of amnesty that is the reason so many are coming — then more little boys and girls will be trafficked, abused, and even killed.”-The Hill
Here is the release Cruz’s office put out:
“We all recognize the terrible humanitarian crisis that is occurring at the border, and all of us should come together to end the policies that have caused it,” said Sen. Cruz. “Tens of thousands of children are being smuggled into the United States by dangerous drug cartels and transnational gangs; it is heartless to allow that to continue.”He added, “The staggering conditions that children are being subjected to are a direct result of the amnesty that President Obama illegally and unilaterally enacted in 2012, which caused the number of unaccompanied minors to skyrocket. The only way to stop the border crisis is to stop President Obama’s amnesty. If we do not put an end to its expansion – to the promise of amnesty that is the reason so many are coming – then more little boys and girls will be trafficked, abused, and even killed. We have an obligation to make sure that not one more child is hurt by this president’s lawlessness.”
Going forward, Sen. Cruz will urge three legislative reforms to stem the flow of illegal immigration, reunite immigrants who arrived here illegally with family in their home nations, and protect the southern border.