Guantanamo Bay– A Navy medic is reported to have been reassigned for refusing to continue force-feeding Gitmo enemy combatants.
According to the Miami Herald, the incident came to light after a phone call between Syrian prisoner Abu Wael Dhiab and his lawyer.
Personally, I agree with the inmate. If he wants to self-torture by going on a hunger strike, so be it. Let him harm or kill himself.The officer’s actions were revealed by a hunger-striking Syrian prisoner, Abu Wael Dhiab, in a phone call to his lawyer Cori Crider last week. Dhiab is challenging his force-feeding in federal court, saying the U.S. military is abusive and comparing it to torture.
Crider told the Miami Herald that Dhiab said the nurse, who he described as Latino and around age 40, seemed to grow troubled about the practice over time.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Initially, he did carry out his orders and participate in the tube feedings,” Crider told the Miami Herald. “Once he saw with his own eyes that what he was told was contrary to what was actually taking place here, he decided he could not do it anymore.”
Crider said Dhiab said the nurse announced one day that he had “come to the decision that I refuse to participate in this criminal act.” Dhiab said the prisoners did not see the nurse after he refused to force-feed them.-FOX