Extremists supporting same-sex marriage in Florida may soon be rejoicing the overturning of the state’s constitutional ban on gay marriage.
There are three judges around the state will soon be ruling on gay marriage, a ruling that could come down any day in favor of the measure, shoving the issue down the throats of Floridian’s.
But John Stemberger, president of Florida Family Policy Council, the Orlando group that championed the amendment, predicted Tuesday that Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel in Miami-Dade would soon overturn it.
He was in her courtroom July 2 listening to lawyers argue the case. That included his lawyer, Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel, who urged Zabel to uphold the ban.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It was rather stunning,” Stemberger said of that hearing. “I don’t expect her to uphold the law.”-OS
This seems to be the ongoing trend around the country. While most Americans probably do not care whether gays should be able to marry or not, the issue that should concern everyone is that these activist judges are stepping on existing laws, and imposing their personal views and agenda over voting Americans.