Charlie Crist could be late to the party, as he has just release his first TV ad this week, which focused on increasing minimum wage, and “equality” for women.
Florida Governor Rick Scott, who has outspent Crist in TV ads, has been doing it for months, and holds a solid advantage over the former Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat Governor, Charlie Crist.This gubernatorial race will boil down to money spent. If Scott has to spend the $100 million in this election (which is expected) he will most likely squeeze out the win. Crist will have to continue to pander to specific voting blocs, and offer them to world, if he expects to have a real chance at beating Scott in the November mid-term elections.“We’re famous for our sunshine here,” Crist says in a voice-over. “But for many, work starts before it comes up and continues long after it goes down.”
Crist goes on to say that he cut property taxes for senior citizens and middle-class families while serving as governor from 2007 to 2011. He also says he saved 20,000 teacher jobs during the economic downturn — a claim PolitiFact Florida rated “half true” because it was federal action that prevented the layoffs.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The ad closes with three campaign promises: If elected governor in November, Crist will raise the minimum wage, demand equal pay for women and restore funding for public schools.
“I’ll fight for you, from sunrise to sunset,” he says.-TB Times
Oh wait. Crist first needs to get through is Democrat primary election against former state Senator Nan Rich, who is also running for Governor.