This past Monday in Miami, Florida, both Democrat gubernatorial candidates, former state Senator Nan Rich and former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, looked to win over voters nestled in one of the state’s deep blue black communities.
From all accounts, Nan Rich won them over with her emphasis on education.
“One of the major components of getting out of poverty, of staying out of jail, of not being left behind or stepped on, is EDUCATION.” -Nan Rich
On the other hand, ‘brotha’ Crist’s Obama name-dropping and lackluster speech did not receive nearly as much praise and ovations from the attendees to the forum. Crist was pulled out all the pro-black bells and whistles. The only thing Crist didn’t do was start speaking in ebonics, in hopes to win over the crowd.
Nancy Smith at the SSN writes:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Charlie is an equal opportunity exploiter. He would disrespect his own mother if it took him a rung higher on the political ladder.
Crist is still refusing to debate Rich, saying that he is only focused on Rick Scott, but could this refusal hurt Crist in the Democrat primary?
Even though Crist sits on a comfortable lead over Rich in the latest opinion polls, Democrat voters overwhelmingly want to see the two debate, and if Crist continues to shun Rich, some hardcore democrats could stay home in the general election.