France- The annual convention of the Council of Resistance of Iran, or People’s Mujahdin Organization of Iran, will be taking place to let the voices of opposition towards the Islamic state of Iran be heard.
A crowd of 100,000 is expected gather outside of Paris, France, and will be led by to Iranian resistance leader, Maryam Rajavi, who is ” confident that the mullahs’ religious dictatorship ruling Iran will not last in the 21st century and will be overthrown.”It is no secret that Iran is one of the largest state sponsors of terrorism around the world, and its mullah’s and past president have all called for the destruction of Israel.
“I am confident that the mullahs’ religious dictatorship ruling Iran will not last in the 21st century and will be overthrown,” predicts the group’s leader, Maryam Rajavi. “It really begs logic to expect this religious dictatorship, the founder of terrorism and fundamentalism in the whole of the region and is seeking nuclear weapons, to take international policy hostage, to continue and endure.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The mullahs do not represent the Iranian people,” she said. “What the Iranian people are yearning for and what represents them, is an Iran which the Iranian resistance envisions: an Iran which is free, democratic and where the ballot box speaks, a non-nuclear Iran, with gender equality, where women and men and youth enjoy equal rights and do not threaten and endanger the world with war and challenges.”-Fox News
But this opposition group has also been mired as being having issues of its own, since only six years ago, the group itself was also listed as listed as a terrorist organization.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration is said to be considering direct negotiations with Iran about dealing with the ISIS terror group in Iraq.