Businessman Curt Clawson has just won the special election in Florida’s 19th congressional district, easily defeating Democrat April Freeman, and will now look forward to running for reelection in November.
Clawson is undoubtedly politically drained, considering that he just won a grueling Republican special primary race, which was solely fueled on negative ads, and then having to gear up for the special general election that just wrapped up.Here is Clawson’s campaign release after being declared the winner :
“Southwest Florida has seen some tough times of late, from our economy to not having a voice in Congress. I am here tonight to say we have turned the corner and Southwest Florida is back.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Clawson added, “I plan to be the strong, conservative voice of Southwest Florida that represents everybody, and that starts tomorrow when we reopen our Congressional offices in Washington DC, Cape Coral and Naples.”
“I will advance the ideals we worked so hard for this spring as a priority: growing the economy by 5% annually, advancing the Mack Penny Plan and doing my part to represent you in restoring fiscal order in Washington.”
“I hope President Obama will accept my three point challenge. I’d welcome any opportunity to discuss my economic plan and to explain to him that getting government out of the way and reducing the tax burden gives everyone a chance in a free market,” Clawson concluded.Clawson will depart for Washington early tomorrow morning. Due to the circumstances of the Special Election, Clawson can take the oath of office administered by the Speaker of the House immediately following the Secretary of State’s decision on the election results.