First, President Obama promised to provide health insurance coverage to all 46 million uninsured Americans. Then the promises fell to 30 million. And by the time the Obamacare political promises were traded back and forth – the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) estimated only 26 million uninsured would qualify — at a cost of over $1,000,000,000 of taxpayer money.
But a new investigative report shows that less than 10% of eligible uninsured Americans have actually signed up for Obamacare insurance. Just 4 million, not 26 million.As of March 31, according to the Obama administration, 8 million people signed up for private insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace, exceeding its target of 7 million.
But the 8 million figure is overstated because it counted people who weren’t actually covered because they hadn’t paid their premiums, which Blue Cross, analysts and the government agree is in the 15 percent to 20 percent range.
Therefore, the actual number of Obamacare enrollees as of March 31 was likely between 6.4 million and 6.8 million, below both the administration’s figure of 8 million and its stated target of 7 million.
But how many new marketplace enrollees were uninsured or “re-insuring” after being bumped off their existing plans by Obamacare?
A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 43 percent of those who purchased insurance through the marketplace already had insurance; 57 percent are newly insured.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The enrollment figures for marketplace coverage will grow over time, assuming that the exchange insurance plans don’t fail as a result of adverse selection,” said the source who supports and helped implement Obamacare. “But the impact on reducing the uninsured so far is very disappointing.”
Another number falls short as well. The source who supports and helped implement Obamacare said about 38 million uninsured are eligible for Obamacare and “all of them should be interested in obtaining it.”
Assuming the most positive estimates—that 85 percent of the 8 million enrollees have paid their premiums and 43 percent had coverage before—the newly insured would number only about 3.9 million. By this time, CBO had projected 19 million would have been removed from the ranks of the uninsured, and CMS predicted 26 million.
Fewer than 4 million newly insured “doesn’t put much of a dent in the problem,” said the source.
If you presume that only 4 million newly insured signed up for Obamacare, and the rest were just shifted from health coverage they already had, the cost is an astounding $250,000 for each newly enrolled American.