With Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) losing his Republican primary election, the scramble is on to find the Republican legislator who will replace him as the House majority leader.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is considered the front runner, as well as being the “establishment” candidate in the race to be House majority leader.Some critics of McCarthy have even suggested that he is “worse than” Cantor when it comes to issues like immigration reform.
Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Id) has announced that he will also be seeking to replace Cantor as House majority leader, and is aligned with top conservative legislators like Tim Huelskamp (KS), Jim Jordan (OH), and Mick Mulvaney (SC).
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I have lived the American Dream. I was raised by a single mother in Puerto Rico and lived there until the age of 13 when we moved to Las Vegas. She worked many different jobs to make ends meet. And while times were tough, she never complained and she never envied other people’s success. Instead, she encouraged me to dream big. She always reminded me that if I studied, worked hard, and did right by others, I could live the American Dream. She was right! And today, I believe our chief responsibility as House Republicans is to preserve that dream for America’s children and grandchildren.-Rep. Raul Labrador
I know some people made commitments before I entered the race, but the most important commitments we make are to the American people we represent. So I am hopeful you will at least pause for a moment and consider me for this role.
Another top conservative and rising star of the Republican Party, Congressman Ron DeSantis, joins the growing number of GOP legislators, in announcing that he is backing Labrador’s bid for the job.“Raúl Labrador is a conservative reformer who will stand for liberty and challenge Washington sacred cows,” DeSantis said. “He is also a skilled communicator who is capable of articulating limited government principles to a broad cross-section of Americans. I am happy to support a change agent like Raúl for the position of House majority leader.”-Rep. Ron DeSantis