More Iraqi cities are now falling to the terror group ISIS, with little or no opposition form the fleeing Iraqi armed forces, and local tribesmen, who are showing to have more guts than that country’s U.S.-trained military.
While the terrorists are running rampant in Iraq, and the threat that Baghdad could fall, the Obama administration, with its failed foreign policy in hand, is still sitting on the sidelines, and doing absolutely nothing.Secretary of State John Kerry recently stated that the Iraqi government needed to reach out to all factions within the country, and try to bring everyone to the table.
In other words, negotiate with terrorists.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Photos posted on a Twitter account associated with ISIS Sunday claimed to show militants carrying out a mass execution of Iraqi soldiers. The images show soldiers being loaded onto flatbed trucks and being forced to lie facedown in a ditch with their hands tied behind them before they were shot. Captions accompanying the photos boasted that as many as 1,700 soldiers had been executed in this way.
Iraq’s chief military spokesman, Lieutenant General Qassim al-Moussawi, told Sky News that he believed the photographs were authentic, and said that he was aware of cases of mass murder of captured soldiers in areas held by ISIS.
“The claim by ISIS that it has massacred 1,700 Iraqi Shia air force recruits in Tikrit is horrifying and a true depiction of the bloodlust that these terrorists represent,” State Department spoksewoman Jen Psaki said in a statement. “While we cannot confirm these reports, one of the primary goals of [ISIS] is to set fear into the hearts of all Iraqis and drive sectarian division among its people.”-FOX NewsThe Obama administration is the pressure to hit back at ISIS, but Obama has been relatively quiet about the ongoing developments in Iraq.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio and others in the U.S. Senate are calling for military drone and missile strikes against the terror group.