Dear Shark Tank readers,
Every so often I post a video of a Democrat member of Congress embarrassing themselves and their constituents by stating a glaring lie, and then clowning themselves with their use of poor speaking skills, while trying to sell that lie.I give you Democrat Congresswoman Corrine Brown, again.
You all remember when Rep. Brown called the entire city of Jacksonville racist, right?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.It is a racial issue, its Jacksonville its regular racist self.-Rep. Corrine Brown(D)
Now the congresswoman, who represents racist Jacksonville, has really stepped into it now when she recently said at a VA hearing in Washington, D.C. that the Department of Veteran’s Affairs did not have a problem in Florida.
Apparently Brown has not been reading any recent published reports of laxed veteran healthcare in the sunshine state.For starters, the VA facility in Gainesville, Florida, was discovered to have one of those
“secret waiting lists” that are not suppose to exist, and other allegations of bad healthcare management for veterans have dinged the Miami and Largo, Florida facilities.
Even her colleague in the Senate, Senator Bill Nelson (D), is crying foul against the VA in Florida.
Watch the video, if you can. Pretty interesting lingo Brown uses to address the hearing.