U.S. Foreign Policy continues to be portrayed as weak and ineffective, as President Obama has once again neutered important and necessary intelligence gathering tactics that have been proven to be successful.
The CIA will cease the use of “vaccination programs” as a way of masking intelligence operations like the 2011 use of hepatitis vaccinations in the Pakistani city of Abottabad to help corner, and eventually kill Osama bin Laden.What is really sad is that the Obama administration announced the foreign policy change in a letter to 13 public health schools, who previously wrote to the President, asking him to stop using these programs as a cover used by the CIA.
The administration also said that it would stop using healthcare workers for “intelligence gathering.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.In 2012, the United Nations suspended a polio vaccination effort in Pakistan after gunmen killed several health workers. Taliban militants accused health workers of acting as spies for the U.S.
In the May 16 letter, Monaco said the U.S. “strongly supports the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and efforts to end the spread of the polio virus forever.”
She added that CIA Director John Brennan said in August 2013 that the agency would “make no operational use of vaccination programs, which includes vaccination workers.” Also saying no DNA or genetic material from such programs would be used, Monaco said the CIA policy “applied worldwide and to U.S. and non-U.S. persons alike.”-FOX News
CIA spokesman Dean Boyd said Brennan “took seriously the concerns raised by the public health community, examined them closely and took decisive action.”
To sum up what is now happening under this administration, we now have healthcare academics dictating foreign policy.
Couple this move with the announcement that there could be more future terrorist attacks within the U.S., is there really any doubt that Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups will continue to be emboldened by the weakness projected by Obama and his administration?