The Shark Tank story and video that broke a few weeks back on FOX News about the stone-walling Florida state health inspectors have encountered from the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Hospitals in Florida has continued to grow legs.
Governor Rick Scott is now saying that the VA will be conducting a self “audit,” instead of letting health inspectors into the medical facilities.“While federal Veterans Affairs officials continue to shut out the light of transparency at their facilities across the country, they have today announced the worrisome notion that they will ‘audit’ themselves.
This announcement comes after federal Veterans Affairs Hospitals here in Florida have shut out our state inspectors from auditing six different federal hospitals on six different occasions.
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Why has the federal Veterans Affairs department now decided to ‘audit’ itself after mounting problems have been uncovered all across the country?
The brave men and women who fought and served so admirably deserve the benefit of an independent thorough review that will get to the bottom of the death reports here in Florida and around the U.S.”-Gov. Rick Scott
Governor Scott first spoke about the VA’s shut out of state health inspectors in this exclusive Shark Tank video.Watch the video clip.