It is now safe to say that Senator Marco Rubio will announce that he will run for President in 2016.
As Rubio has said himself, he is considering the run, and if he makes that leap, he would not simultaneously seek re-election to the U.S. Senate.In an interview this week in New Hampshire with ABC’s Jonathan Karl, Rubio said that he believes he is ready to be President.
“I do … but I think that’s true for multiple other people that would want to run … I mean, I’ll be 43 this month, but the other thing that perhaps people don’t realize, I’ve served now in public office for the better part of 14 years,” said Rubio. “Most importantly, I think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas about how to get it there and I think we’re very blessed in our party to have a number of people that fit that criteria.”-ABC
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But while Rubio makes the presidential rounds to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, can the Miami-native and father of four turn around his plummeting poll numbers?
Let me just add this. Who really wants to be at the top of the Republican presidential poll this early on?
Going into 2013, Rubio was atop the list of possible GOP presidential candidates. But after his full-throated support and sponsoring of the disastrous amnesty-lite Senate immigration reform bill, commonly known as the “Gang of Ocho” bill, Rubio absorbed a political death-blow, as his conservative base of support’s trust in him seemed to have diminished overnight.But is Rubio’s presidential aspirations dead in the water?
A recent poll taken of the likely Republican presidential candidates seems to say his campaign is over before it has even begun.
While Rubio is seen traveling the country, raising money for others and his PAC, as well as trying to muster up support for a possible run, Rubio biggest challenge could be right in his home state of Florida.
All is not well in Rubioland.
Rubio has not addressed Republican voters in Florida head on about his change in position on immigration reform, and has seemingly channeled his inner-evasive Charlie Crist, by dodging the issue with those that once voted him into office.Since voting in favor of his immigration reform bill, Rubio has not held any grassroots-type events or town hall meetings, simply because he fears that certain activists will come out and jeer him over immigration, like they did at the 2013 Americans For Prosperity annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.
Rubio has only made a handful of appearances around the state, mostly attending Republican establishment friendly Lincoln Day dinners, and closed fundraisers.
From former employees who feel betrayed by someone who they feel “is not the person he used to be” or “the loyal person he portrays himself to be,” to grassroots activists that believe he has lied to them and broken campaign promises, the sentiment seems to be uniform when it comes to Rubio.
Rubio has some serious damage control to do in Florida, if he wants to run for President.Rubio has only retained a handful of staffers who came along after his 2010 Senate win. After a few recent firings or “shufflings” between his PAC and legislative office, individuals still loyal to him are now questioning his loyalty, some even looking over their shoulder for the next shoe to drop.
What is worse for Rubio, is that his donor base in Florida is not all that happy. Rubio’s recent Reclaim America PAC retreat on Miami Beach, Florida, by all accounts was a disaster. Several attendees to the event said that it was poorly put together, and that the attendance was amebic.
Look, its still very early. If Floridians have to choose between Rubio and Jeb Bush, they will back Rubio. After all, unlike Bush, Rubio is not all in with amnesty for illegal immigrants, and opposes Common Core education standards.
But like all elections, Republicans and Democrats are all alike. They all want to win. If Rubio runs for President in 2016, and manages to do well in Iowa and South Carolina (New Hampshire is a lost cause), and polling shows that he has a good chance of taking Florida, you can bet your money that those past supporters and donors of his will suffer short-term memory loss and back his play for President.
While most Americans will not agree with Rubio on every issue, one thing is for certain, everyone wants to be part of the winning team. Everyone. You can bank on that.