Democrats are desperately trying to unseat recently elected Republican Congressman David Jolly(pictured), who narrowly beat Democrat Alex Sink, by backing NPA candidate, Col. Ed Jany.
Jany has mirrored his political career with that of Charlie Crist. Like Crist, Jany has changed his political affiliations to best position himself to win an election.Both Crist and Jany started off as Republicans, but unlike Crist, Jany jumped straight to the Democrat Party, before becoming an Independent.
Crist as you all know went from Republican to Independent, before finally finding a home in the Democrat Party.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“In just a few short days in the race, Col. Ed Jany’s campaign has already generated enthusiasm among Pinellas County voters, and his strong start and the fundamentals of this district have earned him a spot on the Emerging Races program,…“Col. Jany’s proven ability to bring Americans of all backgrounds and political stripes together is exactly what the people of Pinellas County are looking for, and will serve as an antidote to David Jolly’s broken Republican Congress that stacks the deck for special interests at the expense of seniors and the middle class.”-DCCC’s Steve Israel
Wait, I thought Alex Sink was supposed to ” bring Americans of all backgrounds and political stripes together?”
Expect the National Republican Congressional Committee and Jolly to pounce on Jany’s political flip-flop