Ladies and gentlemen, you can proceed to the cash register to purchase your pot now that the Florida legislature has passed a bill that would legalized a strain of marijuana for specific medical purposes, such as treating Floridians who are currently suffering from epilepsy.
The Tampa Bay Times reported that the measure, would be signed into law by Governor Rick Scott, if it were to pass, it did in the House.More than 125,000 people suffer from severe epilepsy in Florida and the bill authorizes doctors to order low-THC cannabis for use by patients suffering from chronic seizures. The House bill also allows the specific strains of cannabis to cover cancer and persistent muscle spasms, including Lou Gehrig’s disease and other chronic conditions.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Shalimar, the prime sponsor of the bill, called it a “very cautious step for those very sick children, without cracking open the door too far to inappropriate use.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Five dispensaries throughout the state, operated by nurserymen who have been registered in Florida for at least 30 years, must be licensed to provide access to the drug. The dispensaries must show they can cultivate non-euphoric marijuana, have the appropriate financial stability and have its operators undergo a background check.
Authorized patients will be allowed access to the drug through oil or vapor form, but it may not be smoked. The House reached a compromise with the Senate to reduce the number of ailments covered by the legalized marijuana.
Rep. Dennis Baxley is cautious about the bill, saying that he is concerned that this could create a marijuana “avalanche.”
For the most part, Americans like myself support this kind of measured medicinal marijuana usage, regardless of whether it is dispensed in oil, vapor, or bill form.
Now the whole idea that smoking pot for medical reasons is the way to go, is just a pile of excrement that the pro-pot-smoking lobby is pitching so that they can openly smoke up.