When it comes to talking about the upcoming Democrat gubernatorial primary race between former state Senator Nan Rich and Charlie Crist, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is at a loss for words.
Well, kind of.The Sun-Sentinel’s Anthony Man recently asked the feisty Democrat congresswoman about whether or not Crist and Rich should debate, ‘DWS’ said that she was staying neutral. Wasserman Schultz has kept this position on the race, stating before that she was “Switzerland.”
Man: Should Charlie Crist and Nan Rich debate?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Wasserman Schultz: “I’m the chair of the Democratic National Committee. It is not for me to weigh in on what happens in a Democratic primary.”
Man:So you don’t have a feeling about whether a debate would be a good idea?
Wasserman Schultz: “I am neutral when it comes to decisions made in the Democratic primary by candidates for our nomination. And I am ready to support the nominee whenever we have one.”
Rich and Wasserman Schultz are considered to be close friends, but that friendship became strained after it disclosed to the Shark Tank by close associates of Rich that Wasserman Schultz quietly pushed for Crist to speak at the 2012 Democratic National Committee convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, leaving Rich deeply disappointed in her long-time friends decision.
Remember, nothing happens at the Democratic National Committee without the Chairwoman’s “nod of approval.”
It is hard to say if Rich will be able to muster enough support for her candidacy from the Democrat base, if Crist continues to outpace her in fundraising, as well as outperforming Scott in public opinion polling.
Crist currently leads Rick Scott by 10 points, even after Team Scott has spent millions on early TV ads.