You knew it was only a matter of time before Secretary of Sate John Kerry stepped into big pile of offensive political excrement.
Senator Ted Cruz is calling for Kerry’s resignation after the former U.S. Senator said that Israel could become an “apartheid state” if his, and only his proposed “two-state solution” for peace between Israel and Palestine failed.Cruz says that Kerry is unfit to lead in his position. He needs to quit or be fired.
“There is no place for this word in the context of the State of Israel. The term ‘apartheid’ means ‘apart’—different, isolated—the state of the victims of apartheid with which the Jews are all too familiar. The notion that Israel would go down that path, and so face the same condemnation that met South Africa, is unconscionable. The United States should be aggressively asserting that Israel can never be made an apartheid nation while America exists, because America will be with Israel regardless of the status of any diplomatic process.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The fact that Secretary Kerry sees nothing wrong with making such a statement on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day demonstrates a shocking lack of sensitivity to the incendiary and damaging nature of his rhetoric. It is my belief that Secretary Kerry has thus proven himself unsuitable for his position and that before any further harm is done to our alliance with Israel, he should offer President Obama his resignation and the President should accept it.”-Sen. Ted Cruz