As Russian President Vladmir Putin continues to undermine the Democratic country of Ukraine with his recent incursion into Crimea, as well his influence in the continued unrest occurring on Ukraine’s eastern front, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is pressing the Obama administration to increase sanctions against Russia.
Because President Obama and U.S. European allies have continued to project foreign policy weakness in the region, an emboldened Putin is ramping up his efforts to undermining the Ukraine, giving Rubio no other choice but to specifically call for the targeting Putin’s personal assets, as well as those of his cooperating henchmen.But aside from the non-lethal aide that President Obama doesn’t not want to send to Ukraine, Rubio wants the U.S. to send the “lethal assistance” Ukraine has already asked for.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The Obama administration must immediately increase sanctions on Russia. Sector-based sanctions should begin to be imposed and President Putin’s own financial assets, and those of his associates, targeted.
By delaying the most significant penalties, the United States and our allies have unfortunately sent the message to Russia that there will be little cost to pay for this type of behavior.
We should also stand with Ukraine as the interim government attempts to deal with these provocations. This includes immediately providing the lethal assistance they requested weeks ago.We also need to take measures to reassure our allies in Central and Eastern Europe by deploying more alliance assets to their territories to reinforce our NATO commitments to their security.
“Armed takeovers of foreign territory by masked men are the crude tactics of bygone regional powers, not the actions of 21st century nations. Until Russia is convinced of a real cost of its current course of action, I fear that Ukraine’s stability will continue to be undermined. I urge the President to act without delay.” – Senator Marco Rubio[/button]
Rubio’s call for aide to Ukraine, tough and specific sanctions against Putin, may very well be falling on deaf ears.
After all, he is asking a lot from the weak and ineffectual President Obama.