The pro-illegal immigration lobby, its pundits, and radio mouthpieces are at it again, attacking those who do not conform to their position of granting amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and who believe and promote legal immigration reform.
A Hispanic radio show host that broadcast out of Orlando, Florida, has once again opined the same pro-amnesty for illegal aliens talking point, using the same Democrat Party Alinsky-style tactics to try to demonize Republicans as being ant-Hispanic.In a recent radio-rant, the host said that Republican “voices” like Marco Rubio, Raul Labrador, Jorge Bonilla, and Ted Cruz, are against immigration reform that offers citizenship, are solely pandering for votes.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the ignorance continues to run rampant among Hispanic pundits and radio personalities like this guy, who’s “Uncle Juan” attacks against Hispanic politicians for not supporting their un-American and illegal views on immigration reform.
The Democrats are the ones pandering for votes when they offer amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, in hopes that these illegals will someday return the pathway to citizenship favor, with their vote on election day.
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Here is a transcription of spanish-language audio clipping below:
“Within the Democratic Party, uh…there has been great success (due to) the formulation of public policies in favor of Hispanics. Within the Republican Party, we have heard voices…Hispanic voices…against immigration reform. Voices like that of Raúl Labrador, voices like that of Jorge Bonilla- a candidate here in Florida, voices that have also made themselves heard like that of Marco Rubio at a given time- who later changed- uh, Ted Cruz…in other words, there have been voices within the Republican Party that are against immigration reform.”
And then, what happens? Or at least, those that claim to support immigration reform say, “sure, reform without citizenship”, as though to say something in order to seek votes, but that’s not what they are really thinking.
While Rubio, Labrador and Cruz, are all elected officials, Bonilla is not. Bonilla is currently running for the U.S. Congress against Democrat Alan Grayson, and has been on the radio host’s radar, who has openly showed bias for one of Bonilla’s Republican primary opponents.
Would it surprise you to know that Bonilla’s primary opponent in question was once arrested for a Felony, and recently falsified his application to the Orange County Commission in 2011?