The CIA’s former acting director, Mike Morell, faced the House Intelligence Committee, where he told members of Congress that he “ignored guidance” from this CIA station chief in Libya, in regards to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
Morell is accused of editing the “talking points” at the core of then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s false remarks on five Sunday morning shows, which blamed the attack on a protest.Morell, speaking before the House Intelligence Committee, insisted Wednesday he did not “deliberately” downplay the role of terrorists in that attack. He also said he never knew Rice was going to appear on the Sunday shows the weekend after the attack.
But he did confirm that he overruled guidance from the CIA chief of station in Libya that the attacks were “not/not an escalation of protests.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Morell, explaining his decision, effectively challenged the evidence his chief of station brought to the table in his message, sent via email a few days after the attack. He said the claim that there was no protest was based only on “press reports” and reports from officers who arrived in Benghazi after the attack had already started.
He said that basis was not “compelling” enough. –Fox News
Florida Congressman Tom Rooney (R), who sits on the Intelligence Committee and is not sold on Morell’s testimony, and was visibly frustrated with Morell’s testimony
After the hearing, Rooney stated that Morell’s testimony about altering those “talking points” was “speculative” and that he kept answering key questions with an “I don’t remember” response.
Rooney said that Morrell my “very well have coordinated” with the White House, but denied it under oath, and has to be taken by his word.