Democrat gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist will leave the Democrat Party, and rejoin the Republican Party to primary challenge Florida Governor Rick Scott in the 2014 mid term election.
Sources close to Crist have told the Shark Tank that Crist’s announcement will be made within the next week or so.Scott, who is lagging in polls against Crist, could very well lose a primary challenge against Crist, who himself has proven to still have considerable Republican support, as well as Independent backing.
The same source is also saying that Crist will be firing his entire gubernatorial staff, and replacing it with consultants Rick Wilson, Tony Fabrizio, as well Senator Marco Rubio’s entire 2010 Senate campaign staff.
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One key political operative, who will be spearheading Crist’s new campaign is Porky Pig, who as we speak,is currently flying down from Camp Looney Tunes. April Fools, suckers.