Former Congressman and Fox News Contributor Allen West, who was disgusted with Alan Grayson, when the self-proclaimed “Congressman with Guts” sent out an offensive email depicting grassroots Americans as cross-burning Klansmen, is now looking to embrace Grayson’s Republican congressional candidate in the 2014 election cycle.
Allen West once told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that Grayson’s offensive cross-burning email was “personal” to him on several levels, and now West is showing how personal it was to him by getting moving into position to help defeat Grayson, who is no fan of West’s.Allen West has just posted a link on Facebook to his Guardian PAC website, promoting one of this “Ones To Watch” candidates, Navy veteran and Jorge Bonilla.
Jorge, like others, has come to realize that his oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same,” has no statute of limitations. He has therefore made the tough, personal, family decision to run for US Congress in Florida’s 9th district. There are those who running against Rep. Alan Grayson is an uphill climb. Well, so was Mt Suribachi on Iwo Jima, but American Marines climbed it, inch by bloody inch and raised our America flag above it in triumph.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Jorge Bonilla represents that spirit — a military and minority conservative who has seen the American dream through the eyes of his parents. He now wants to ensure the dream endures for his own sons, and others like them.
Jorge Bonilla is a former Marine and Sailor who has hit the black volcanic beaches of a congressional campaign, and armed with principle, determination, and love of country, will move forward, climb the heights of the seemingly insurmountable high ground, and raise the flag, the standard of liberty and freedom.
Jorge Bonilla will honor the simple Latin motto of the United States Marine Corps for the people of Florida’s 9th Congressional District: “Semper Fidelis” — Always Faithful!-Allen West
Bonilla response to the news that West had place him on the “One’s To Watch” list:
I am honored and humbled to receive The Guardian Fund’s “One To Watch” designation. LTC West is a true American Patriot, a friend and mentor whose wise counsel has been instrumental to my campaign.-Jorge Bonilla
Allen West’s full statement on Bonilla is posted on his Guardian PAC website here.
Grayson called Bonilla a “loudmouth” and a “Jerk,” because he believed Bonilla made fun of his ties and boots. He didn’t. We here at the Shark Tank did.
Grayson’s “nutty” allegation gave Bonilla the opportunity to promote his new attack website against Grayson, “NOGUTSJUSTNUTS.COM.”
Here is Bonilla’ response to Grayson:
“Congressman Alan Grayson has had a long, distinguished history of lashing out against his opponents, and his vitriolic remarks against Jorge Bonilla are no exception. In response to our tongue-in-cheek birthday cake debate challenge, Mr. Grayson called Bonilla a “loudmouth” and a “jerk”.
As we let this blazing instance of pot-meet-kettle sink in, we would also note that Mr. Grayson levied several false accusations against Mr. Bonilla. At no time has Mr. Bonilla ever addressed Mr. Grayson’s ties, hair, or boots (if anything, some may regard his taste in boots as proof of actual “guts”, but we have better things to do with our time).Bonilla for Congress has focused (and will continue to focus) on Mr. Grayson’s failed record and divisive rhetoric, all of which are available for review at
Finally, we thank Mr. Grayson for his time and attention, given his remarks on this Republican primary and his history of…participation.” –Jorge Bonilla Campaign