While the campaigns of both Lizbeth Benacquisto and Curt Clawson exchange political blows, and Super PAC’s continue to run amuck in the special Republican primary election in Florida’s 19th congressional district, former state representative Paige Kreegel could benefit from the fall out that will be sure to occur between the Benacquisto and Clawson brawl.
Benacquisto’s questionable and indirect ties to Super PAC’s attacking Clawson, and the fact that she has been crowned by the Republican establishment to be the next member of Congress in Southwest Florida, will surely prove to be a big “ding” to her congressional aspirations.Clawson is not out of the woods either, as he continues to be hammered by TV ads paid for by the PAC’s, questioning his past business dealings. Clawson has also been “dinged” himself for donating to anti-Tea Party Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, a move that could turn out to be costly in the end.
Kreegel’s campaign says he is running a “clean” campaign, and is focused on the issues, not the mud racking. The first PAC that came onto the scene in this special election, Values are Vital Super PAC, favors Kreegel in the race, and has been actively pummeling Benacquisto as being part of the dreaded “establishment.”
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Of course, Kreegel’s campaign, like Benacquisto’s, is denying having any collusion with PAC’s, but I am sure Team Kreegel is quietly rooting for the PAC to continue taking stabs at Benacquisto, and perhaps Clawson in the near future.
With six weeks until voters decide the winner in this GOP primary, the big question here is, who will come out looking the cleanest, as the political mudslinging will undoubtedly ramp up in the coming weeks.
Don’t be surprised if Benacquisto and Clawson split enough votes, allowing Kreegel to quietly sneak past them, and possibly win the race.Read these related stories:
Benacquisto’s Democrat Past, Husband’s Big Donation Ties to Obama and Hillary
Clawson Plays Ball Like Political Insider
Read more about Lizbeth Benacquisto here.
Read more about Curt Clawson here