Vlad the Thug seems to have heeded warnings from the western world, as it is being reported that he has ordered existing Russian military forces conducting exercises along the Ukraine border to “return back to their permanent bases,” but not before Russian forces fired warning shots at Ukrainian soldiers in Crimea.
About a dozen Russian soldiers at the Belbek air base stood guarding the airfield and warned the Ukrainians on Tuesday, who were marching unarmed, not to approach. They fired several warning shots into the air and said they would shoot the Ukrainians if they continued to march toward them.-Fox News
Putin’s hope to restore his country’s “Soviet-era” military power continues to strain relationships with the United States and others, including Canada.
Putin is locked in a dispute over the rights to the high Arctic region of the world, saying that one of the focuses of his military is to impose their might in the Arctic region.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
He emphasized the importance of the Soviet-era base at the New Siberian Islands, which the military started to overhaul this year. Russian officials have described the facility as key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.
The same Calgary News report states that “Russia, the United States, Canada, Denmark and Norway” are all looking to stake claim to parts of the Arctic. Why? Why else, oil and gas.
Republican politicos and international affairs experts blame Putin’s aggressive military push around the world on President Obama’s perceived weak foreign policy.
Would Putin act this way if George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan were in office?