Someone smack this idiot. Afghani President Hamid Karzi, is once again criticizing the U.S. for saving his god-forsaken country, and making him a rich man, referring the Afghan war as being “for the U.S. security and for the Western interests.”
According to Fox News, Karzai told the Washington Post that he feels “betrayed by what he says are insufficient efforts by the U.S. to target Taliban strongholds in Pakistan. He also criticized the U.S. for inflicting civilian casualties in various military operation, saying “Afghans died in a war that’s not ours.”
This is the same fool that release 65 known enemy combatants, or terrorist, who had American blood on their hands. Would Karzai be mouthing off like this, if the U.S. had a President that did not project weakness, and was respected around the world?