A week after his historic speech on the Senate floor, denouncing the Venezuelan government’s crackdown on protesters, which has lead numerous arrests, injuries, and several deaths, Senator Rubio spoke to reporters after a Venezuelan solidarity rally in Miami, Florida, telling them that he supported asylum for Venezuelans.
“We are dealing with a person in Nicolas Maduro, who is unstable.”-Sen. Marco Rubio
Rubio told Spanish-language TV that President Obama had the executive authority to impose sanctions on Venezuela, but has not done so, adding that he believed diplomatic relations with Venezuela were non-existant.
This country has always given political asylum to those who are fleeing oppression and tyranny and that is something we should consider doing in this case.-Sen. Marco Rubio
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Rubio then called out Harry Reid, who whines about supporting Hispanics, to “put a vote on the floor for this issue.”
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