Florida Congressman Alan Grayson (D) has some creepy obsession with Texas Senator Ted Cruz. For the second time in a week, Grayson has pulled the “birther” card out, poking at Cruz being born in Canada.
Here is the tweet from today:If there were an Olympic medal for demagoguery, Ted Cruz would win the gold. pic.twitter.com/1Jn6VqRBHi
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) February 27, 2014
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
A ridiculous and offensive Alan Grayson tweet or email would not be the same if his Republican opponent, Jorge Bonilla, didn’t respond with one of his classic smackdowns of the self-described, “Congressman with guts.”
Bonilla calls the recent attacks on Cruz as being “disgusting and classless, and utterly hypocritical coming from someone who routinely goes on MSNBC to proclaim that he sees white sheets around every corner.” POW! Bonilla then channeled Allen West when he referred to Grayson as being “the vilest of the Left’s smear merchants.”
Here is what Bonilla just posted on his website:
Alan Grayson’s birther attacks on Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) are disgusting and classless, and utterly hypocritical coming from someone who routinely goes on MSNBC to proclaim that he sees white sheets around every corner. Mr. Grayson has long distinguished himself as the vilest of the Left’s smear merchants, so the excretions of the past few days -including today’s crass birther tweet- should come as no surprise to anyone.
Of course, this is not the first time that Mr. Grayson has sought to otherize political opposition. Florida’s 9th congressional district constituents will recall Grayson’s mockery of a potential opponent’s Puerto Rican heritage during the 2012 electoral cycle. Alan Grayson clearly cares about “brown people”, so long as they do not oppose him.
Mr. Grayson’s unfiltered bigotry, not unlike Alex Sink’s “but who will clean our toilets” defense of immigration reform and Univision’s 2011 War on Marco Rubio, has no place in our political discourse. I would hope that Mr. Grayson and Senator Cruz address their policy differences on a debate stage, but that would take actual guts.