During the first debate between the four Republican congressional candidates running in the special Republican election to replace former Congressman Trey Radel, immigration reform was one of the issues the candidates were asked to address.
There was no surprise that all of the candidates echoed the very same conservative legal immigration talking points of sealing the border, enforcing the existing laws on the books, etc.“Legal immigration is a benefit to our country, illegal immigration is a drain to our country.”- Lizbeth Benacquisto
Michael Dreikorn insisted stop illegal immigration needed to be stopped, the existing laws needed to be enforced, and that “there has to be consequences for those who break the law.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We have a President that ignores the laws that are on the books with respect to illegal immigration. The President cant tell ICE not to enforce immigration laws, and if he does, why would we negotiate with that President?- Curt Clawson
Paige Kreegel agreed with all of his opponents in the race, added that those 11 illegal immigrants needed to be dealt with, and those with felony arrests, and who have committed other crimes, needed to be deported.
The Kreegel decided to inject President Obama’s aunt into the immigration discussion.If you are a parasite on this country for 20 years like Mr. Obama’s aunt, we don’t need you on the backs of American taxpayers.-Paige Kreegel