Expect the race-baiting groups like La Raza, and other pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants groups, activists and politicians to take issue with the latest border shooting and killing of a suspected illegal immigrant in the mountains south of San Diego, California.
Two Border Patrol officers were in pursuit of a group of suspected illegal immigrants, when one of them turned and threw a rock, striking one of the officers in the head. In fear for his life, the officer shot and killed the perpetrator.Both Border Patrol officers are in good condition, and the one struck by the rock, was treated for minor injuries, and released.
According to one law firm that advertising their services nationwide, a rock is considered a deadly weapon.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.A deadly weapon can obviously include firearms and knives, but even normally innocent objects, such as a bottle, a pencil, a rock, and a car, can be considered deadly weapons if they have the ability to cause harm – CAUSA