Obama’s failed economic policies have proven to not be “down with the struggle,” as jobless rate for blacks has dropped from 12.7 percent to 12.5, since Obama has sworn into office.
Former Congressman Allen West, who cites a recent a Newsmax report on these jobless numbers, knows all to well how Obama’s policies were never designed to lift the black community, rather repress it.The poverty rate for blacks sharply increased, rising from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent in the last report. Median income declined by 3.6 percent for white households to $58,000, but fell 10.9 percent to $33,500 for black households, Census Bureau figures show.
– The education gap is even more prevalent in urban centers such as Chicago. According to the 2013 National Report Card, the gap in fourth-grade math test scores between black and white students widened to 40 points — the largest gap since the national study began in 2003.
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– Nationally, only 52 percent of black males graduate from high school in four years, according to the Schott Foundation’s 2012 report.
And with all the education problems in the black community, President Obama saw fit to cancel the DC school voucher program. Recently, Obama’s Department of Justice filed a suit against Louisiana’s tuition voucher program, which has produced record gains for blacks and Hispanics. –Allen West (Website)
Here is the Newsmax excerpt West cited:
The national unemployment rate has dropped to 7 percent, but the jobless rate for blacks has hardly moved since Obama took office, declining from 12.7 percent in 2009 to 12.5 percent, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report. And while the recession impacted all race and age groups’ earnings, blacks fared the worst.”
It is abundantly clear that President Obama’s ‘Soul Food for all’ entitlement initiative for blacks has failed.