Depending on who you ask, the political future of Florida’s junior U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, who hails from the “boogie-down” better known as Miami, Florida, is all washed up after he sided with the liberal “evil-doers” in the U.S. Senate to support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
But I, like many other political writers and pundits disagree. Yes, Rubio has taken a big hit from his unforced immigration reform error. But again, he is not down for the count, regardless of what some in the blogosphere would lead you to believe. Even some of the Shark Tank’s readers have expressed outrage, and even hatred towards Rubio, for backing this immigration measure.The Hill newspaper recently listed “Marquito” at #2 for having the worst year in 2013, but this ranking could play into Rubio’s favor.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Remember, even though he has dropped like a rock in the recent 2016 GOP presidential polls, why would anyone want to be ranked at the top so early in the game?
Rubio, who would be best suited to poll the back of the pack, will eventually rise in the polls as we get closer to 2016.
Expect Rubio to pull a political trick or two from out of his white long-sleeve guayabera shirt from now until he announces his run for Presidente of the United States. Oops! I meant to say, ‘if’ Rubio decides to announce his run for Presidente of the United States.So do you think Rubio is still the best chance the GOP has to take back the White House in 2016? Tell us what you think-take the poll!
[yop_poll id=”18″]