With the recent reports that Islamic Fundamentalism, or Islamic Terrorism, on the rise, we would think that the U.S. State Department would be stocking up on security personnel and ammunition for embassies around the world, and not “Mas Tequila!”The State Department has restocked embassy liquor cabinets to the tune of $400,000 for 2013.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The liquor bill, split among purchase orders placed at embassies around the world, included some major last-minute pre-shutdown splurges:
• $5,625 in “gratuity wine” at the embassy in Rio de Janeiro on Sept. 29, followed by $5,925 in “gratuity whiskey” on the day the shutdown began.
• $22,416 in wine at the embassy in Tokyo.• $15,900 in bourbon and whiskey in Moscow.
It’s not unusual for U.S. embassies to serve alcohol at diplomatic events under Democratic and Republican administrations alike — but the booze bill has grown enormously since Obama’s inauguration in 2008.-AllenWest
It is understandable that the Obama administration could be trying to drink its Obamacare problems away, but something tells me that is not the case.
We tried to contact Captain Morgan to get his take on the increase in alcohol consumption and purchasing under President Obama, but the Captain was unavailable. The Captain’s spokesman, Jack Sparrow, said that the Morgan had pulled a hamstring, while attempting his signature knee-raise.
We did get a hold of Dos XX’s Most Interesting Man in the World. Mr. Interesting sent over this statement:I don’t always drink booze when I travel overseas, but when I do, I make sure I go to a U.S. embassy for a refill. Stay thirsty.
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