Senator Marco Rubio (R) was the keynote speaker at the Florida Family Policy Council’s gala fundraiser in Orlando, Florida, where he addressed the role that God plays in the lives of all Americans, as well as explaining how the United States of America was founded on the acknowledgment and belief in an almighty God.Rubio then went on to affirm his belief, and the belief of many, that it is a “God-given right” of every person to live, including the unborn.In politics, we debate of what role God should play in our public life. We hear about keeping god out of our schools, keeping God out of our politics, keeping God out of other people’s lives. This is a ridiculous debate, because God is everywhere, at every time. He is the all powerful creator of the universe, he doesn’t need our permission to be anywhere. He doesn’t need our permission to do anything.
Our only choice is whether to see him. our only choice is whether to acknowledge him, or we chose to ignore him.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The Founders of this unique and exceptional nation, they didn’t struggle much with this question. From our earliest days, they acknowledged God’s presence an powerful ways.
Our founding documents speak clearly that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator, with certain inalienable rights.
We fight for life. The lives of those not born, and those entering their last days. Because we know it is a God-given right for every person.
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