Every year on Veteran’s Day, Americans join together to give thanks to the millions of U.S. veterans who fought and died for the freedoms we all hold dear.Top elected officials, including President Obama, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Senator Marco Rubio, took to social media in an effort to make their gratitude for our veterans know to all Americans.
On #VeteransDay, we recognize the heroism of the people who have risked their lives for the sake of our nation and freedoms we hold dear.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— D Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) November 11, 2013
“Today, we gather once more to honor patriots who have rendered the highest service any American can offer this nation.” —President Obama — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 11, 2013
God bless all of our #Veterans. We will never be able to repay your service to our country. #VeteransDay — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 11, 2013
But while most of these politicians refrain from campaigning for their respective issues or political re-election campaigns, there is always that one ‘black sheep’ of the bunch, who feels compelled to ask supporter for donations on Veterans Day.
So let me do what I probably should do more often – just say thanks. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Thank you for helping me to promote justice, equality and peace. Thank you for your support. Courage, Rep. Alan Grayson P.S. As I write this, the pledges from supporters like you have put us at a remarkable $99,255 in sustaining revenue. (I’ve printed out a copy of the ActBlue page, in case anyone wants to see it.)
We were hoping to reach $100,000. It would be wonderful if someone pledged $20.14 per month toward the 2014 race, and put us over the top. Maybe you? So let me do what I probably should do more often – just say thanks. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Thank you for helping me to promote justice, equality and peace.
Thank you for your support.
Rep. Alan GraysonP.S. As I write this, the pledges from supporters like you have put us at a remarkable $99,255 in sustaining revenue. (I’ve printed out a copy of the ActBlue page, in case anyone wants to see it.)
We were hoping to reach $100,000. It would be wonderful if someone pledged $20.14 per month toward the 2014 race, and put us over the top. Maybe you?
Grayson’s chief Republican congressional opponent in the 2014 mid-term elections, Navy Veteran Jorge Bonilla was quick to point out Grayson’s fundraising ask to his supporters.
To Bonilla, Grayson’s shunning of veterans is expected, considering that the ‘gutsy’ congressman recently went as far as to put out a fundraising email depicting Tea Party Americans as cross-burning Klansmen. We don’t have to display the image, you all remember the cross-burning picture.Here’s .@AlanGrayson‘s very special Veteran’s Day Thank You to…his brave donors. Stay Classy, Mr. Grayson.—Grayson’s Tumblr acct — Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaCongress) November 12, 2013
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