The recent marriage of two West Point graduates at the U.S. Military Academy’s Cadet Chapel, has outraged many traditional marriage proponents, including former Congressman Allen West, who supports civil unions, just not marriage, which he believes is a “sacred bond between a man and a woman.”
Here is what West wrote on his blog about the military’s first same-sex marriage:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The job of the military is to take the individual and conform its behavior to the unit in order for it to fight as one. When the day comes that the military is made to conform itself to the behavior of the individual, then it will begin to erode and lose effectiveness. And mind you, race and gender are not behaviors. This is not equivalent to integrating blacks.
I have been to West Point, and even addressed the Junior and Senior Cadet leadership classes. I do not celebrate this event at all, especially considering the Army only has two combat ready Brigades. Where are our priorities? I will always love the Army but what I am witnessing is an all-out progressive assault to destroy the foundations of a segment of our American society that represents and instills into young men and women the highest standards of honor, integrity, and character.
I absolutely support civil unions but believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Why is it necessary to redefine the foundation of a society, a family? States should make the determination about marriage, however, we should not allow activist courts to overrule the referendum of the people in order to institute their ideals on social equality, and fairness, as in what happened in California.If I could summon the great Spirits of the “Long Gray Line,” to include Henry O. Flipper, I wonder what they would say? Something tells me that George Patton would have some choice words for President Obama and Secretary Hagel.
So, I toss the ball into your court, my friends. Do you think West Point alums will be sending congratulatory notes to Mr. and Mr….well, heck, I don’t know how to address them. And be on the lookout for this couple to be recognized at this year’s Army-Navy game. I’m sure President Obama will give them a personal call of congratulations, just like with NBA player Jason Collins.-Allen West
Personally, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and in favor of civil unions. But if voters come together and make marriage legal in their respective states, why not afford gay couples to lose half of their assets during a messy divorce or separation, like heterosexual couples do?
Gay couples have it good, don’t they read the divorce rate statistics in this country?
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