President Obama and his administration continue to beclown themselves with their steady flow of excuses, as to why the Obamacare roll out has been such a disaster.
WH Press Secretary added to the comedy show by apparently leaving the door open for the individual healthcare mandate to be delayed.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Whatever conclusions you draw about the way the law is written, I think you can draw. The law is clear that if you do not have access to affordable health insurance, then you will not be asked to pay a penalty because you haven’t purchased affordable health insurance.” –Jay Carney
Republican congressman, many of who support defunding and revoking the President healthcare law, have also taken to social media to poke fun and mock the handling and implementation of Obamacare.
Florida Congressman Trey Radel (R) had some fun with the failing Obamacare roll out on Twitter. Of course, it was all at the expense of President Obama.
Why isn’t President Obama using #obamacare? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Maybe he’s trying to log on or call right now.
— Rep. Trey Radel (@treyradel) October 21, 2013
#Obamacare is a good product and a good deal? I’ve heard from Southwest Floridians w premiums doubling & tripling…how is that a good deal?
— Rep. Trey Radel (@treyradel) October 21, 2013
“The Affordable Care Act is not just a website, it’s much more…” yea, like mountains of new regulations, fines & taxes #fairnessforall
— Rep. Trey Radel (@treyradel) October 21, 2013
Would love to see a news camera sit down w Pres Obama as he tries to sign up for #obamacare. Would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.
— Rep. Trey Radel (@treyradel) October 18, 2013
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