To counter the recent confrontation between veterans and government officials at the WWII memorial in Washington,D.C., where veterans and several members of Congress disregarded barricades and visited the memorial, the pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants lobby also took to the National Mall and disobeyed Obama’s government shutdown of national monuments and parks.
But here is the rub, these illegal immigrants were allowed to protest, whereas the WWII vets received threats and considerable government pushback
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
According to the Tampa Bay Times, Republican Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R), who both support the Dream Act and a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, lent their support for the protesters by attending the immigration rally.
“Let’s be clear, this is not the first rally we’ve been to over the years. We’ve heard a lot of lip service and a lot of promises. Both political parties have had a chance to solve it. Neither have. It’s about time we get it done this year,” a fired-up Diaz-Balart said.
Ros-Lehtinen opened her remarks by noting that the mall was open for the rally. “Let’s open up our parks for everyone to enjoy,” she said, referring to the government shutdown.
In a desperate attempt to get media attention, members of the Democratic caucus in the House, which included Reps. John Lewis, Raul Grijalva, Joseph Crowley, Al Gree, Luis Gutierrez, Jan Schawkowsky, and Charlie Rangel, were arrested for blocking a street on Capitol Hill.
Does anyone find it a bit curious that it is usually the left-leaning Democrats in the Congress who wind up disrespecting police, bucking the law, and getting arrested?
These tactics were very common during the 1960’s and 1970’s, and have been used recently by the Democratic Party-supported Occupy movement.
Yes, there are Occupy Democrats in the U.S. Congress.
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