Former Congressman Allen West continues to display the characteristics that a true Commander-In-Chief possess, as he asks Americans to rally together and donate money to the families of the recently fallen soldiers, deemed “non-essential” by President Obama and his administration.I don’t have the words to express my outrage. Just learned that part of the Obama administration’s shutdown strategy of inflicting pain on the American people has sunk to an incredible low. It seems our Commander-in-Chief has deemed death gratuity payments to the families of our Fallen Warriors as non-essential. The President deemed FLOTUS “Let’s” website essential but the families of the four Americans killed this weekend in Afghanistan are not essential. I am disgusted. As thankful and benevolent Americans, let’s raise money for these families. All In.-Allen West.
For those of you longing for the day that West gets back into political office, you may have to wait to 2016. 😉
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
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