U.S. Senator Marco Rubio too issue with the possible of any U.S.-Iranian negotiations during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing, where he questioned the Iranian regimes true motives for obtaining nuclear energy.“When you negotiate with evil liars, all your lines have to be clearly marked out and the verifications have to be stronger. I mean we are dealing with some very dangerous people here. And so that’s why I feel so passionately about being very clear about what our position is.”
Rubio outlined more “evidence” that these “evil liars” are bent in developing nuclear weapons, by stating the known fact that Iran is “investing a lot of time and energy in long-range missiles,” and then boldly stating that Iran’s only reason for obtaining long-range missiles is to tip them a nuclear weapon.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.You put a weapon. You put a nuclear weapon. It’s the only reason to have one. So they’re developing all these ICBMs for one of two reasons. They’re either planning one heck of a fireworks show, or they intend to put a nuclear warhead on a rocket and to be able to threaten the world with it.
If Iran is allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon, it will undoubtedly bring other countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey into the nuclear weapons fold.
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