Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) appeared on CNN over the weekend, where she continued her tirade against the “Republican tea party extremists” in the U.S. House of Representatives, after the legislators “celebrated” the possible government shutdown this past weekend.Wasserman Schultz added that the “extremists” are delighted over prospect of shutting down the government, and “have come unhinged.”
Democrats and their allies look to capitalize on a Republican-led government shut down, claiming that by doing so, Republicans will be hurting veterans, preventing Social Security checks from being sent out, and hurting hard-working government workers during a bad economy.You’re right. And that process needs to be fixed. But last night you have Republican tea party extremists actually celebrating on the House Floor, publicly celebrating that they got — Michele Bachmann said she got everything she wanted.
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Would you — if you didn’t like the redesign of your kitchen, would you burn the whole house down or would you try to make modifications to the kitchen? These people have come unhinged.-Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Still, Democrats have yet to acknowledge that during Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil’s reign, not to mention that the House was controlled by the Democrats at the time, O’Neil shutdown the government a dozen times.
The sky didn’t fall each of the times he did so.
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