We are all accustomed to hearing strange, unsubstantiated remarks and wild accusations made against Republicans from House Minority Leader, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).But just when it seems as if the Congresswoman from California is going to give us a break from her funny, yet divisive political rhetoric, Pelosi throws out another one of her questionable trademark, and fact-checkable statements.
During and interview with the Politico, Pelosi said that Republicans are jealous of President Obama, because they are jealous of him.
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According to Pelosi, Obama is also “non-partisan” and has been “open, practically apolitical, certainly nonpartisan, in terms of welcoming every idea and solution.”
Yes, she said that.
“I think that’s one of the reasons the Republicans want to take him down politically, because they know he is a nonpartisan president, and that’s something very hard for them to cope with.”-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D)
Republicans snarked back at Pelosi, with good reason.
The Blaze has listed President Obama’s Top 5 most partisan statements.“President Obama is so apolitical that he’d rather negotiate with Vladimir Putin than Republican leaders in the House,” said Matt Gorman, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. “He’s so non-partisan that he sees nothing wrong with attacking the opposing party in a speech during the middle of a national tragedy.”-Politico
1. Why do Republicans want to hurt people?
2. Remember, I won in 2012
3. Republicans are willing to destroy everything for ideology
4. Republicans embrace (My) sequester and it’s hurting the economy
5. Republicans don’t care about the middle classExpect more of the same entertaining commentary that is aimed against those mean evil-doing Republicans from Pelosi.
After all, the Republican Party is the “E-coli club,” according to her. Watch the video here.
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