Within three weeks of announcing that he would be filing his James Madison Congressional Accountability Act, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) held a joint press conference with Republican Senator David Vitter (R-LA), in which he formally introduced the bill that “will require members of Congress, all congressional staff, the President, Vice President, and political appointees to enroll in the ObamaCare health care exchanges while explicitly limiting subsidies to those available to the public at large.”DeSantis and Vitter made the announcement alongside Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), as well as with House members, Dennis Ross (FL-15), who is one of the original co-sponsors of the bill,Tom Cotton (AR-04), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Phil Gingrey (GA-11), Jim Jordan (OH-04), Robert Latta (OH-05), Thomas Massie (KY-04), Mick Mulvaney (SC-05), Keith Rothfus (PA-12), Matt Salmon (AZ-05), Mark Sanford (SC-01), Jason Smith (MO-08), Lynn Westmoreland (GA-3), and Ted Yoho (FL-03).
Here is what was reported on this bill back on August 27th-
According to DeSantis’ press release regarding the bill, the legislation was written to “block a proposed administrative rule by the Office of Personnel Management that purports to offer ObamaCare subsidies for Members of Congress and congressional staff not authorized by law and not available to the rest of the American people.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.DeSantis states that Obama “cannot override” his ”ill-conceived” Obamacare healthcare law because it is “contrary” to the country’s founding principles. “Although many members of Congress don’t like it, the text of ObamaCare makes members share the same fate as the millions of Americans who will see their employer-based health insurance arrangements upended due to this ill-conceived law,” Rep. DeSantis said.
“The Obama administration cannot override the law and grant special subsidies to members of Congress and their staffs. It is also patently unfair — and contrary to our founding principles — to grant special relief to members of the governing class while leaving the rest of America to bear the costs.”-Rep. Ron DeSantis (R) House Bill Filed Against Unfair Subsidy For Congress
As the House companion bill to Senators David Vitter (LA) and Mike Enzi’s (WY) Senate legislation, this bill will require members of Congress, all congressional staff, the President, Vice President, and political appointees to enroll in the ObamaCare health care exchanges while explicitly limiting subsidies to those available to the public at large.”
“The Obama administration’s decision to bail out members of Congress from the effects of ObamaCare is a classic example of the political class putting itself before the interests of the American people,” Rep. DeSantis said, adding that “By ramming through this ill-considered law, Members of Congress and the Administration have imposed significant burdens on Americans from all walks with life and should not be protected from its negative effects. This legislation blows the whistle on this all-too-familiar Washington game of putting the ruling class first.”-Rep. Ron DeSantis
Congressman Dennis Ross also chimed in with his thought-
“Obamacare is a bad deal for Americans. It puts bureaucrats between doctors and patients and it’s costly for taxpayers. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) came out with special regulations a month ago – at the request of the president – to allow the federal government to contribute money toward the health care premiums of Members of Congress, and their employees, under Obamacare. OPM’s decision to allow a “fix” for Members of Congress and their staff is unacceptable.
Americans across the country would love to have this burdensome law “fixed” for them, but unfortunately, that won’t happen. If it can’t happen for my constituents in central Florida, it shouldn’t happen for Members of Congress and their staff.“I firmly believe in the importance of all laws applying equally to all American citizens: constituents, Members of Congress, the president, vice president, and their staff. If my fellow Americans have to endure the harsh impacts and costs as a result of this law, I will stand and endure with them until we can find a better solution.”-Rep.Dennis Ross
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