With Obama’s U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s ruling that members of Congress and their staffs will receive a special taxpayer-financed hand out not available to other Americans that will be pressed to use the Obamacare exchanges, several members of this very Congress, are railing against unfair move.Freshman Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL) will introduce the James Madison Congressional Accountability Act, which will “prohibit members of Congress and congressional staff from receiving any government contributions with respect to an exchange-based health care plan that is not available to the American people.”
DeSantis states that Obama “cannot override” his “ill-conceived” Obamacare healthcare law because it is “contrary” to the country’s founding principles.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Although many members of Congress don’t like it, the text of ObamaCare makes members share the same fate as the millions of Americans who will see their employer-based health insurance arrangements upended due to this ill-conceived law,” Rep. DeSantis said.
“The Obama administration cannot override the law and grant special subsidies to members of Congress and their staffs. It is also patently unfair — and contrary to our founding principles — to grant special relief to members of the governing class while leaving the rest of America to bear the costs.”-Rep. Ron DeSantis (R)