Terrorist Nidal Hassan has been found guilty on all counts of premeditated murder, and will likely face the death penalty, once the sentencing phase, which will begin on Monday, ends.
A military jury deliberated for roughly one day before announcing the verdict.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Hasan sat emotionless, stroking his beard as the verdict was delivered.
He was charged with 13 counts of pre-meditated murder and 32 counts of attempted pre-meditated murder in the Nov. 2009 shooting attack at the sprawling Texas military base.
Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, had acted as his own attorney at the 13-day trial, but questioned only three of nearly 90 witnesses and presented only a single piece of evidence in his defense: an evaluation from his boss that called him a good soldier. He also chose not to make a closing statement.-Fox News
The stage is set for Hassan to be executed, as the only hold up would have been if the jury did not unanimously find him guilty of murder. As we stated, they did.
Praise God.
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