Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is once again blaming the ills of the world on the Tea Party movement, which she believes to be the Republican Party’s grassroots wing.South Florida’s Sun-Sentinel put out a story in which Wasserman Schultz blaming the Tea Party as being the reason why Democratic and Republican Representatives in Washington can’t work together. Wasserman Schultz says the Tea Party, “who are unbelievably extreme” and are focused on “blocking this President from being successful.”
During the Reagan and Clinton administrations, both Presidents were successful because they were willing to work with a bipartisan Congress. Actually, President Reagan had to work with a all-Democratic Congress. President Obama, with his executive orders and egregious overstepping on American civil liberties, is no Reagan or Clinton, and will continue to face stiff opposition because of his actions.
‘DWS’ rejects the thought that the Democratic Party is just as complicit in the breakdown of talks and negotiations in Washington, D.C.
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‘DWS’ added
“If you build some trust, then hopefully on bigger issues down the road we’ll be able to work together and find that common ground. We just don’t have enough Republicans and Democrats that are making an effort to do that.”
There is truth to what she says, finding bipartisan support in the Congress is hard to come by on the big important issues, but both sides are to blame, as they stand both stand firm on their respective beliefs.
According to just about the entire Republican Congressional Delegation of Florida, coming to a compromise and understanding on important issues with the liberal wing of the Democratic caucus, which includes Wasserman Schultz, Alan Grayson, Nancy Pelosi and others, is very difficult.
On issues like child safety, domestic violence, Israel, and tax fraud, Wasserman Schultz and Democrats are in-step with Republicans, even the so-called ‘Tea Party’ Republicans Wasserman Schultz is complaining about are supportive of these issues
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